Authors |
Koshevoy Oleg Sergeevich, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, sub-department of economics, finance
and management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Supikov Vadim Nikolaevich, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of state administration and regional sociology, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. The field of state and, especially, municipal administration remains one of the most corrupted in the general system of civil service of the Russian Federation. The main reserve of civil service personnel drawing is the graduates, received the qualification of “State and municipal administration”. Regarding the fact that the overwhelming amount of civil service workers are women, the gender aspect of the attitude of students majoring in “State and municipal administration” towards corruption is a topical problem. The aim of the works is to ascertain the attitude towards corruption in the gender aspect among students, majoring in “State and municipal administration”.
Materials and methods. Realization of the research objectives was achieved on the basis of the official statistical data on the content and structure of civil service bodies and the survey of students of first and third years, studying in Penza State University, majoring in “State and municipal administration”. In the course of survey data processing the authors determined the statistical importance of differences in students’ answers both by gender and by years of the education program.
Results. Taking into account the gender aspects the authors revealed the attitude of students, majoring in “State and municipal administration”, towards a broad range of problems concerning corruptional manifestation both in the state municipal service and in the society.
Conclusions. The researchers determined the ways of improvement of the educational medium, devoted to training of specialist in the field of state and municipal administration, and selected the most effecting means to fight the corruptional manifestations.
Key words |
corruption, ceivil service, gender, state and municipal administration, training course, statistical importance, criterion.
References |
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